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Showing posts from January, 2018

What is a Hair Graft? Learn the basics of hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical process in which hair follicles are transferred from one part of the body called the 'donor site' to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. Primarily hair transplant surgery is used to treat male pattern baldness . This is a minimally invasive surgery where grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding, (like the back of the head) are transplanted to the bald scalp. Hair transplantation can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair etc. A hair-bearing tissue that is extracted from one place and transplanted to other balding area is called hair graft. A graft can be a modern follicular unit, mini micro or a large 4 mm hair plug. Hair graft is a generic name given to all of them. Hair graft is usually selected from the back of the scalp which is genetically resistant to hair fall and hair sustainability is high. The surgical approach, tools and the ...